Board of Directors
Jamestown/Stutsman Development Corporation (JSDC) was organized to develop employment to improve business conditions and advance the interests of the City of Jamestown and Stutsman County, North Dakota by implementing and sustaining an organized effort to attract new business and industry, support existing business and industry, and encourage new business starts.
The Board of Directors meets regularly to drive activities on JSDC’s focus on primary sector job creation. JSDC’s office is located at 120 2nd St SE, Jamestown, ND 58401 and is the site of the board’s calendar of regular and committee meetings.

Sarah Hellekson
Ex-Officio, City of Jamestown, City Administrator Job Title
Jessica Alonge
Ex-Officio, Stutsman County Auditor/COO Job Title
Emily Bivens
Ex-Officio, Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce, Jamestown Tourism Job Title

Danica Chaput
Ex-Officio, Job Service ND, Workforce Center Manager Job Title